Monday 28 February 2011

Skatin' the line

A back boardslide down Petersfield handrail, worthy of some
recognition from the community, from Adam Butcher.
More to come from this day, keep posted.

Tuesday 15 February 2011

A traveler of both time and space

 This is a huge post of an absolutley fantastic day last year with weather that was B-E-A-UTIFUL. Please take your time to take a look through this great day, and keep posted for more coming soon!

The real Mccoy Casey Brown with a silky smooth front
nosegrind on that perfect ledge.
 This is a wide shot from the side of the same trick in a moody black and white. Crackin' Bruce!
 Mr double cream himself, Josh Holgate with the nostalgic front 5-0. mmhmm.
 I have no idea who this guy was but hey, he as a damn hot whippin' bag right there.

A personal favourite of mine, Casey's tre of the ledge. To see some footy from this day check out his youtube channel, henerywashere1964

And finally a sneaky front 5-0 from Casey, please keep posted for more shots this year, there will be a lot to come! Keep posted.

Tuesday 1 February 2011

Chief of the town, Casey BrownT

The warrior on wheels, Casey Brown laying down
a Tre over the stairs at Petersfield.
It's been a long time since we last got any shots,
so with all hope, we'll get some more soon.
Keep posted, and look out for the next post.